Jaume Masia flies in Barcelona

Le0pard rider Jaume Masia has finished the 2nd after Friday practice sessions at the Circuit of Barcelona-Catalunya and teammate Dennis Foggia the 21th.


Here we are in Spain, ready for the 9th round of the 2020 season! It’s time to push in one of Le0pard’s lucky charms, the Circuit of Barcelona-Catalunya. Historically, the records speak volumes as since we made our debut in the Championship back in 2015, we’ve always won here except for the year we raced with KTM (2016). That means that the Honda, the Circuit, and the Le0pard Racing are a succesful combination: Danny Kent won in 2015, Joan Mir in 2017, Enea Bastianini in 2018 and last year Marcos Ramirez took victory here. Needless to say that hopes are high!

Today has been one of the coolest days in this area of Catalunya and we’ve started the day with lower temperatures than yesterday and considerable wind, of course that’s made an impact on the sessions. On the FP1 both Jaume and Dennis have been testing their feelings on the bike in this track and have finished the 4th and the 19th respectively. Later in the afternoon, still with some wind but a hotter ambience, our riders have been pushing to set a fast lap time in order to be straight on Q2 tomorrow (although there still will be time on the FP3). We’ve mentioned that Jaume Masia has flown because he’s crashed during the session but fortunately both rider and the bike were ok, and thanks to team work he’s been able to go out again, being super fast in all senses. At that moment there were less than 5 minutes remaining and nevertheless, Jaume Masia has set a 1’49.134 on that last exit after the crash, a lap time that has placed him the first of the FP2 (and the 2nd on the combined standings). On the other side of the box, things have been more complicated and at the end, Dennis Foggia has finished the 21th on the combined classification. His bike has been the fastest of the day (242.6km/h)

Let’s keep working, tomorrow will be time to fight for the best spot of the grid!

There is a lot of wind and I’ve crashed, what a pity. Despite the conditions we’ve been competitive and we are in shape. Let’s keep working to be super ready tomorrow!”
Jaume Masia,
It’s been a difficult day. I haven’t felt comfortable and I haven’t been able to set my lap time. We will try again tomorrow”
Dennis Foggia,
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