Dennis Foggia takes podium in Barcelona

Le0pard rider Dennis Foggia takes 3rd spot of the podium at the Grand Prix of Catalunya and teammate Jaume Masia crosses the line the 7th, the final touch of a very positive weekend!


We mentioned yesterday that this track is one of Le0pard’s lucky charm and indeed it’s been! All right, we’ve been close to the victory but even if this time we haven’t clinched it, our riders have fought for it and at the end Dennis Foggia has step into the podium, achieving another record for the Le0pard Racing in this track!

It’s fair to say that it hasn’t been an easy race as rivals have been strong and determined, but today the Le0pards were a step ahead of them in terms of pace, speed and consistency. Both Masia and Foggia did a comeback as their start wasn’t perfect and lost some positions, but as the laps went by they placed themselves on top and kept fighting and overtaking to be the first ones. First, it was Masia who got the lead (11 laps to the end) but other riders overtook him and at that point, Dennis Foggia was getting to the front group. When there were seven laps remaining, Dennis took the lead and commanded the rest, except the last one. Masia was the second and it was more than nice seeing two Le0pard riders on top. At the end, as we all know, races are unpredictable and everything changed on the last lap. The #5 saw himself relegated to the second group of riders due to a small mistake and Dennis lost the lead, but clinched the 3rd position, a very nice and good result! Jaume finally crossed the line 7th and grabbed important points for the Championship. Overall this weekenhd they’ve done a very good job and have been fighting for the victory until the end, the crew is proud of them!

After today’s results, Jaume Masia is the 7th on the standings (70 points) and Dennis Foggia the 11th (60 points) and what’s super positive: the Le0pard Racing is the second on teams’ standings (130 points)! Let’s see how it finishes! Next race will take place in Le Mans in two weeks time.

I’m very happy. What a pity, on the last lap another rider has overtaken me and my front tyre was almost finished so I couldn’t recover the first position. In any case I’m happy with the 3rd spot of the podium and I have to say many thanks to my team, we’ve done a great job”.
Dennis Foggia,
I was controlling the race thinking on tyre wear, as I had the softest option. I’ve made a mistake braking too hard with the front end and I thought I was going to the gravel but luckily I’ve managed to save it, I’ve just gone wide. After this moment I’ve overtaken some riders but I haven’t been able to get to the lead as that was the last lap and didn’t have time. We’ll try again in Le Mans”.
Jaume Masia,
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