Fifth position for Jaume Masia in Misano

Jaume Masia has crossed the line fifth at the Gran Premio dell’Emilia Romagna e della Riviera di Rimini and teammate Dennis Foggia hasn’t been able to finish the race due to a contact with another rider.


It’s been a ‘heads and tails race’ for the Le0pard Racing today. Our riders had started from the third and fourth line of the grid and after having a tricky start, both initiated to overtake rivals and recover some positions in order to fight for the top spots. They were determined, aggressive and fast, and although opponents didn’t make it easy, Le0pard men were strong on their movements as the laps went by. Unfortunately, 13 laps to the end, another rider made Dennis Foggia crash. Such a shame for the Italian and for the team as he was doing a good race and had solid options to be on top.

On the other side of the box, Jaume Masia kept pushing and got to the lead. He swapped positions with rivals and managed to be always among the first five, mainly occupying podium spots. He did every lap as he needed to and placed himself the first on the last one. However, and despite all his efforts and determination, another rider did an extreme overtake and finally Masia crossed the line the fifth, gathering important points. That is part of the races, a real pity because today victory belonged to Jaume.

Right now and seven races to the end of the Championship, Masia is the 8th(61 points) on the classification,  Dennis the 12th (44 points) and the Le0pard Racing the 5th on team’s standings(105 points).

Let’s keep the good feelings and let’s try it again next week in Barcelona!

Today I could have taken the victory. It’s been a shame because I really felt it, I was in front and it was more than possible. I have to accept that this is part of the races and now I will just focus on the next round, we are close”.
Jaume Masia,
I felt good and I wanted to attack on the last lap. When I was recovering positions another rider took me out and my race has finished at that moment. Let’s try it again in Barcelona”.
Dennis Foggia,
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Third and fourth row of the grid for the Le0pard Racing
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