Good feelings on Saturday for the Le0pard Racing

Jaume Masia will start tomorrow from the 4th spot of the grid and teammate Dennis Foggia from the 11th. A positive qualifying result for the team in a historically suitable track for the blue squad.


We are getting closer to Sunday race! Today was all about avoiding rain and setting the fastest lap time to take the best spot of the grid. This morning, the FP3 started with light but intense rain and the Le0pard Racing tried to make the most under these conditions, which are never easy. Bikes and riders had to be ready for every single lap and although it was tricky, Spaniard Jaume Masia finished 8th and Dennis Foggia the 25th. In any case, both of them managed to directly go to Q2 as they’ve been consistent and aggressive throughout the previous practice sessions.

When it was time to push on Q2, Dennis and Jaume went out, did some laps, entered to the pits and waited a bit while our mechanics changed tyres. Nando, Luis, Jordi and Carlos did an amazing job changing them super quick and had the bike ready for Dennis and Jaume. This way, Masia and Foggia went out to try to be the fastest having their respective strategy very clear. At the end, Jaume Masia crossed the line the 4th (he almost got the pole position) and Dennis Foggia the 11th. These are decent spots to start the race from, so let’s see how it ends!

As we usually say, stay tuned and follow our activities, the 5th round of the 2020 season will take place tomorrow at 11.00am at the amazing Red Bull Ring, in Austria.

I’m disappointed after the Q2 because I could have gotten the pole, we were very fast. The team has done a great job, they’ve worked so quick changing tyres before the last exit.I’m happy with the job done so far, we’ll do our best tomorrow”.
Jaume Masia,
It hasn’t been my best qualifying session. In any case crunch time will be tomorrow and we’ll give our 100% to be as in front as possible”.
Dennis Foggia,
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Interesting start of the Austrian Grand Prix for the Le0pard Racing
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Jaume Masia takes second step of the podium in Austria