Jaume Masia sets second fastest lap time

Leopard rider Jaume Masia has finished the 2nd on the combined standings of today and teammate Dennis Foggia the 17th.


Here we are again in Valencia ready to revert last week’s situation. Fortunately, weather is helping us this time and there’s no rain forecast the upcoming days, that’s very important! Right now, when there are two races left to the end of the 2020 season we are still fighting for the Championship as Spaniard Jaume Masia occupies the 5th position on the standings (24 points far from the leader). As we all know, Moto3 is an unpredictable category and everything can happen, so we need to be ready to push!

Today both riders have been testing their feelings along the Valencian track in order to analyze what can we do to improve. Overall, it’s fair to say that the box job is paying off: this morning on the FP1 Dennis has finished the 6th, and Jaume the 8th. These young men are eager to do their best this weekend and they’ve tried again in the afternoon. Masia has fought like a lion and has set an incredible 1’38.479 on his last attempt, and that has placed him as the first of the FP2 and the second on the combined standings. Dennis, on his side, has struggled a little and has finally finished the 18th (1’38.805), and the 17th on the combined classification.

Let’s keep pushing, there’s still work to do!

I like the way we’ve started the weekend, I feel much better than last week so I’m happy and calm. I just want to keep working like this and enjoy the rest of the weekend”
Jaume Masia,
I feel good on the bike, it’s been a positive day. I will try to improve tomorrow in order to get straight to Q2. Let’s hope for the best!”
Dennis Foggia,
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