Valencia Grand Prix: the last dance

C’est fini! The 2022 has come to its end, a season full of amazing moments and some other tricky situations, let’s put the final touch to the season:

·Last Sunday in Valencia Dennis Foggia ended up 4th, a result that gave him the 3rd position on the general classification of the year. Dennis has carried away his second-best year in Moto3 with Leopard (his best season was last year, when he finished 2nd, with Leopard).

·Tatsuki Suzuki struggled during the race and crossed the line 14th, however, he stuck to the 7th spot on the standings. This position is the best result ever in Tatsuki’s career.

·Dennis Foggia, throughout the year has taken 4 victories and 4 podiums, while Tatsuki has scored 3 podiums. These numbers have placed Le0pard Racing as the 2nd best squad on the team’s standings.

·We wish Dennis Foggia the best in his new adventure, and we hope to keep adding records with Tatsuki Suzuki and Jaume Masia next year.

·Let’s enjoy the wintertime!

It’s been a tough race and despite struggling at the beginning we’ve managed to get the 4th position and this way I’ve finished 3rd on the final standings. Many thanks to my team! A nice way to finish these three seasons together”
Dennis Foggia
It seems we’ve had a problem with the tyre and we haven’t been able to fight for the positions we wanted. It’s been an incredible year for me with Le0pard, and I can’t wait to start the following season with them. Thanks for such a hard work!”
Tatsuki Suzuki
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